Saturday, March 5, 2011

Trial Time: 03/04-06/2011 - NADAC Trial - Saturday

This morning Olivia and I left the house half an hour later than planned. As we were driving to the trial arena, Olivia was worrying that we would miss Brego's first run, while Brego snoozed away in my lap. When we arrived at the trial, Olivia jumped out of the car to check her runs, and I took Brego to the grass to tinkle and started unloading the car. It turned out that we had made it in time for the judges' briefing, just before Olivia had to walk the Tunnelers course. Brego and I finished unloading the car and setting up our crate space while Olivia walked the course. We also collected Brego's 1st & Q in Open Touch 'N Go from last night!

The two rings were running opposite for the first two games:  Tunnelers in ring 1 running Novice to Elite; and Weavers in ring 2 running Elite to Novice.  This seems like it would be a good system, but Brego runs Elite Tunnelers and Novice Weavers.  After Olivia walked the Tunnelers course, she had to go back and forth between the two rings to make sure she didn't miss the Weavers walk through or have a conflict with ring 1.  I set up the video cameras at the Tunnelers ring, but ended up moving them to film Weavers first. Luckily, the Novice Tunnelers class was huge, so Brego didn't end up having a conflict.

Elite Tunnelers was the only run the entire trial where there were NO mistakes.

Novice Weavers--Brego's first Weavers Title!!!

Elite Regular Round 1 (Round 2 is not up because we did not Q)


Friday, March 4, 2011

Trial Time: 03/04-06/2011 NADAC Trial - Friday Night

Blocking the view helps keep Brego calm
Tonight was the first night of the Austin K9-Xpress Dog Training Club spring NADAC trial.  Olivia and I arrived at the trial site at 6:00 pm, just as they unlocked the gates to the parking lot.  Olivia and Brego jumped out of the car and ran into the trial facility to secure us a good spot with a power outlet nearby.  Luckily, we were able to snag a spot directly in front of our ring (the trial is divided into two rings) and there was a power outlet right above us, so now we can plug in our fan and charge camera batteries.  We unloaded the car in record time and set up our area--which is more involved than it sounds.

First we rolled out our pretty awesome, colorful mat that is made out of recycled plastic bottles and looks like an area rug; then we set up the x-pen in a circle around the mat clipped to Brego's crate at the back of the area; the x-pen got covered completely with towels to block the visual stimulus and reduce stress; and then we set up folding chairs and tables.  Overall it sounds like a lot, but we've got it down to about 5 minutes of set-up, and then it's just a whole lot of comfortable relaxation (well, as much as possible) for the rest of the trial.

The inside of our set up.

Before heading home for the night, Brego and Olivia ran their Open Touch 'N Go course:

-- Emma