Wednesday, May 12, 2010

We Like: Biscuit Buddy

One of the handiest tools in the dog training world is the treat pouch.  There is an abundance of treat pouches available in most retail pet stores.  We started using treat pouches about 8 years ago when our first agility dog was entering the intermediate class.  We quickly discovered that the treat pouch we were using had some flaws.  First, when closed, the pouch would collapse in on itself, making it difficult to open when we needed to get a treat.  But the biggest problem was in the belt clip.  While it is extremely handy to have your dog's treats attached to your hip, it is not-so-handy to have the treat pouch fall off of your belt (or jeans pocket as the case may be).

Just this year Emma purchased a Biscuit Buddy, a lovely treat pouch that has everything you could want in a treat pouch.  The Biscuit Buddy has a rigid edge so that it doesn't collapse when it is closed, making treat retrieval easy.  It also features a number of different attachment devices so that no matter what you are wearing you can secure the treat pouch to yourself.  But my favorite feature of the Biscuit Buddy is the extra zipper pocket!  So far I haven't found a use for it, but it's so cool that it doesn't matter!  Clean Run suggests that it would be an excellent place to keep an extra poop bag handy.


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