Wednesday, May 26, 2010

We Like: FitSugar's 4 minute Ab Workout

We like to try and keep in shape so that we can keep up with our dogs on the agility course.  One of our favorite workouts is the FitSugar 4 minute Ab workout.  It's super simple, but super effective.  Also its hard not to enjoy the video because the coach is just so darn happy!

This is really great to use after taking the dogs on a walk, and it is easy enough on your muscles that you can do it every day without worrying about fatigue.  Just be warned:  when you are doing this workout you are in perfect, vulnerable face-licking position!  Check out more of FitSugar's videos


Wednesday, May 19, 2010

We Like: Slip Leads

When preparing for an agility trial, you suddenly find yourself in need of things that aren't needed for regular agility class.  One of these items is a slip lead.  There are a variety of slip lead styles to choose from, like the martingale.  However, I like my slip leads as simple as possible.  After all, you will be trying to wrangle it onto your dog as soon as possible after you finish a run.

Also, if you find yourself debating over what length to of lead to buy, go with the 6 ft. instead of the 4 ft.  Trust me.  Little dog owners will appreciate the extra 2 ft. because it doesn't feel like you are strangling your dog, and big dog owners will like the space that it gives the dog when you take him/her outside on potty business.

Since getting our slip leads we have found that they prove useful in many situations.  For example, if your bad, bad dog, Tod, rolls in something dead and stinky, you can simply slip the lead over his head without having to touch him.  Then it is easy to loop the handle over the fence post so that he can't run off while you bathe him.

They are also handy for impromptu car-rides.

But the best use for the slip lead is in agility class.  You just don't realize you needed one until after you use one at a trial!


Wednesday, May 12, 2010

We Like: Biscuit Buddy

One of the handiest tools in the dog training world is the treat pouch.  There is an abundance of treat pouches available in most retail pet stores.  We started using treat pouches about 8 years ago when our first agility dog was entering the intermediate class.  We quickly discovered that the treat pouch we were using had some flaws.  First, when closed, the pouch would collapse in on itself, making it difficult to open when we needed to get a treat.  But the biggest problem was in the belt clip.  While it is extremely handy to have your dog's treats attached to your hip, it is not-so-handy to have the treat pouch fall off of your belt (or jeans pocket as the case may be).

Just this year Emma purchased a Biscuit Buddy, a lovely treat pouch that has everything you could want in a treat pouch.  The Biscuit Buddy has a rigid edge so that it doesn't collapse when it is closed, making treat retrieval easy.  It also features a number of different attachment devices so that no matter what you are wearing you can secure the treat pouch to yourself.  But my favorite feature of the Biscuit Buddy is the extra zipper pocket!  So far I haven't found a use for it, but it's so cool that it doesn't matter!  Clean Run suggests that it would be an excellent place to keep an extra poop bag handy.


Wednesday, May 5, 2010

We Like: iClicks

We love clicker training.  It is our belief that dogs should be trained using only positive reinforcement methods of training.  When starting out, we found that the box clickers sold in most pet stores were hard to depress and sometimes even got stuck.  This can be a set-back since clicker training is all about precision and timing.  What happens when you drop a box clicker?  Since the clicking mechanism is inside the box, you lose and disrupt training time trying to retrieve the clicker.  Traditional box clickers also tend to be very loud, and as we discovered when training our dog, Spryte, sometimes the click can be very scary.

Soon however, we discovered the iClick.  The iClick is a sleek little clicker that was designed by clicker training guru Karen Pryor.  It can be depressed very quickly and easily because of its raised yellow button.  We also LOVE that if you drop it, the iClick will always land in a clickable position, which makes it a particularly good tool for handicapped trainers, or those who are particularly clumsy (like me).  But the absolute best part of the iClick is the sound of the click.  It is not a jarring pop like a box clicker, instead the iClick give a nice, soft Spryte approved click. 

Please enjoy our ridiculously short video showing off the iClick:

